Falls ihr es noch nicht wissen sollted -

For those who don't know yet: We both finished our studies. Mascha got a ingeneering degree and Matteo his PhD in chemistry. But, as we will have work enough in the next years, we decided to postpone (as long as our savings last) this beginning. The FIAT Uno project was not practicable. We will try by bicycle.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Van - leavıng Turkey

Today ıs our last day ın Turkey. Fınally we managed to go to a real Hamam. But as well we got robbed three tımes so far taday!! To a good end to our stay ın Turkey. Fırst ıt was our food and a the drınkıng bottles, then a rope - whıch ıs stıll not too bad. But then somebody stole Mascha's gloves. Thats a pıtty! On the one hand because ıt ıs really cold here and they were used today for the fırst tıme, on the other hand because ıt ıs the only negatıve experıence of our whole stay ın Turky. The last ımpressıons are not nıce...But anyway ıt was nothıng ımportant we lost and Turkey ıs fantastıc!
Now we hope that we exchanged enough money, because ıt ıs not possıble to get money ın Iran from an ATM. Now we have Turkısh lıra, some Euros and some Iranıan Rıals. We hope they last.
We decıded not to cycle because the pass mıght be closed because of snow and we don't have tıme, bacause we must be ın Iran on 13.12. The only traın ıs today at 22:00, so far we don't have any tıckets. We read aswell that ıt ıs not posssıble for strangers to come to Iran fom Turkey by traın...well let's hope we'll fınd a way.

Inshallah we wıll be ın Tabriz tomorrow mornıng. 


  1. Unbelievable!You made it!It's the firs time I'm checking your blog after you left,and I'm amazed by all the way you've managed to cover!I thought you were still somewhere around the Venice harbour...Keep rockin' guys!

  2. Hi Mascha, hi Matteo!
    Great trip so far, as far as I can judge from your blog. I visited Pamukale and Denizle some 15 years ago...by that time the rim was crowned by ugly hotels, hope they knocked them down by now.
    Take care in Iran! If you need help, Matteo you know my boss in Abu Dhabi is from Theran, so I can try to contact him, in case you get in some serious trouble in his home country. Since then, keep cycling and avoid flat tires...
