Falls ihr es noch nicht wissen sollted -

For those who don't know yet: We both finished our studies. Mascha got a ingeneering degree and Matteo his PhD in chemistry. But, as we will have work enough in the next years, we decided to postpone (as long as our savings last) this beginning. The FIAT Uno project was not practicable. We will try by bicycle.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Would you hire this guy?

An unemployed 29 years old guy with a three times broken nose in a tea plantation

Dear head-hunters, CEOs and resposibles of the human resources,

 today is my birthday. I was born on the 6th of April 1982 in Padua, Italy. It means that for the next 365 days I am 29 years old. I do not think that I can allow myself to be unemployed for the next 365 days too. Hence, I need a job.
If you are thinking that I should not have spent all my savings on this trip by bicycle, it is good to know, I will not work for you. If you like what I am doing, well, I can work for you. Not now though, I am still cycling with my girlfriend through India and I am not completely broke yet. But you can already think about it. Do not worry, I am offering you good stuff: Me.

I have a master degree in environmental science. My PhD in chemistry dealt with aerosols, diesel engines and organic pollutants. I can and I would like to work in the environmental management, solid or liquid waste disposal or air pollution control. I know something about that. I think I am smart enough to learn the rest you would need from me.

As student I used to earn some money carrying heavy stuff from A to B, teaching children and youth to play rugby and delivering pizzas. This trip was funded with savings from my PhDs salary and with the money I earned by playing the bassoon in chamber and symphonic orchestras. The bicycle was a present of my parents. My mother tongue is Italian and I am fluent in English and German. If  I am not cycling  I live in Munich and I play rugby. I like classical music, rock and this trip supported my belief that the Italian food is the best in the world. 
My nation gave to the world Berlusconi, but spaghetti and lasagne too. Ok, we are even.

Regards, Matteo.

If you are interested to see my curriculum vitae, just send an e-mail at mararrac@gmail.com
I will answer you from the next interent point.


  1. I would hire you, guntermaler!!
    tanti auguri!!!!!!!

  2. mi sono letto tutto negli ultimi mesi, e mi domandavo ma qui non si può postare un cazzo , gunter penserà che non leggiamo na sega invece non si vede semplicemente il commnets da cliccare.
    houn lavoro da offriti come Tata,m attività di baby sitting, ti trovo sugfficientemente titolato.
    Apprezzo pienamente ciò che stai facendo e ti offro il mio stipendio e facciamo cambio, prendo il tuo posto in India.....

  3. "fluent german...".
    Si signore!
