Falls ihr es noch nicht wissen sollted -

For those who don't know yet: We both finished our studies. Mascha got a ingeneering degree and Matteo his PhD in chemistry. But, as we will have work enough in the next years, we decided to postpone (as long as our savings last) this beginning. The FIAT Uno project was not practicable. We will try by bicycle.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Our "technical" stop in Padua is almost over. We arrived at the beginning of November, but on Saturday we will start. Now, we think to have almost everything we need. What is missing we will discover on the way!
What have we done three weeks in Padua? Well, actually we do not know completely. For sure we enjoed the marvellous italian food prepared by Matteo's Mother, met some friends and family, bought two bikes (really pretty), something to wear (not so pretty), and other stuff like that. We had a good time in Padua and we want to thank Matteo's parents for the hospitality and for all the support.
Entry of the Musei Vaticani in Rome


As we expect temperatures between -5°C and
40°C, it was not easy to find appropiate equipment without spending a fortune. For the first time in our lives we have even bought "functional-technical" underwear (1 T-shirt each)...

The Biennale in Venice and a trip to Rome (thank you Orsola and Daniele!) were also in our program. It was astonishing to see Rome with 20°C and without tourists - St.Peters cathedral was empty and we bought easily tickets for the Vatican Museum where you have to queue for a couple of hours in the summer.
After the arrival of the bikes, which were manufactured for us by Zarma, a local producer, we tested them along the rivers of Padua and in the Colli Euganei which are nearby. So far, they seem to be pretty good, and after some ajustment the mechanic told us that we will not even have to bring greas with us. Well, we decided to take some anyway...
Matteo in empty St.Peters

So the first steps are done. On Saturday will go to Venice (hopefully by bike) and at 13:00 take a ferry to Turkey via Greece. Pathras-Pireus-Cios-Cesme: a 4-day jurney.


  1. Schön, von euch zu hören! Viel Spaß auf der Fähre!

  2. Du bist super!!! Viel Glück!!!

    Giovanni (Padova, Italy)

  3. Susanne und Christina (IWC)December 6, 2010 at 4:22 PM

    Hallo ihr Zwei!
    Viel Spaß auf eurer tollen Reise. Wir sind ganz neidisch und wünschen euch schöne Erlebnisse, habt immer ein Blasenpflaster und Flickwerkzeug dabei :-)
    Tausend Bussis, wir freuen uns auf jeden neuen Bericht von euch und den Dia-Abend, wenn ihr wieder da seid!!
